Friday, September 11, 2009

Shorten the Alphabet

My alphabet consists of 25 letters. I know, yours has 26, but mine is one short. Thanks to a little hooligan, I am missing a letter on my keyboard. What ever makes a hooligan think that using a mini screwdriver to pry off a letter is a good idea? After re-attaching several times, it gave up. For a while I could push really hard and get the sensor to work, but now, there is no hope.

The alphabet ends at Y.

That missing letter makes for some interesting scenarios. Words just don't have the same meaning when you use an S instead. Have you ever seen a sebra? Do you find it amasing how much damage three little hooligans can do in 7 seconds flat? Do you have a sister-in-law that you try to call one name and end up calling her a floosie? In that context, floosie sounds better, I think. (It was a joke, really, she is nothing even close. She couldn't be one even if she tried.) I can't tell you to examine your sipper. Oh my, how that meaning changed!

Why don't I just hook up a new keyboard, you ask? Right now, I have a laptop with a broken screen hooked up to the screen of the desktop because the desktop internet doesn't work. Two computers makes one. The hooligans killed the desktop keyboard and the extra keyboard. The same key-prying hooligan also pried off the buttons on my mouse. Two mice. My computer situation is pretty pathetic, but I make do. I am still able to post entertaining stories for my audience that keeps asking for more.

Now, when my words look funny and you think I misspelled the word, remember how my children helped me along this path of insanity. I hope you have an amasing day with many crasy adventures along the way.

My two little hooligans are in the bathroom laughing. I must go investigate. Patience at the ready. More laughter.... now running.


Steph (and Bryant) said...

Too funny! Hope you have a wonderful day!!

Lisa and company said...


Kristin said...

sounds like you need to lock your computers in the closet. Jaina is constanlty prying keys off my laptop. We've lost the f2, the tilde, one tab button, and the up arrow button. Fun times.