Do you ever have those days when you wish you could record the conversation and replay it later? All too often those happen in the car. Today was no exception.
Thomas: I want to make Flat Stanley be Dark Vader.
Me: Oh yeah?
T: Yeah. He has a red light saver. Obie Kanobie has a blue one.
M: He does, huh?
T: Yeah. And who is that other guy he is with?
M: I don't know. Obie Kanobie is with lots of people at different times. (Yes, I know it is Kenobie, but I wanted to keep him going because it was so cute and honest)
M: Are you talking about Luke or Anakin or...
T: Luke! He has a green light saver.
T: When I grow up I want a red light saver. I want a real one, not a pretend one. A light saver like they have, not like the candy.
T: The other guy has a green one too.
M: What other guy.
T: The other guy.
M: Can you tell me what he looks like?
T: The little guy, in Star Wars.
M: The green guy?
T: Yeah! The green guy.
M: His name is Yoda.
T: Yeah, Yoda. He has a green light saver too.
Maybe when he gets a little bigger I will tell him that Gingams has hair like Yoda. But that, my friends, is another story for another day. Or maybe not. Maybe you had to be there. Cousins and other unruly family folk, tell me, did you have to be there for that one to be funny?
And the conversations just continued. Different topics, but all just as funny and matter of fact as you can be. I can't even remember everything they talked about, but it was a funny trip home today. Thomas also wants a 3-dollar bill for dress down day, the day they can buy a pass to wear regular clothes and not uniforms.
I love my kids. They are so funny. I think I just might keep them.
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