Michale turned two today! I am not exactly sure where all the time went, but it went. I know many moms say that on each birthday, but with each birthday of a kid, I get reminded over and over.
This weekend I have been doing the "at this time two years ago I was...." At lunch on yesterday Lolly mentioned the 1am phone call she got two years ago. If you missed that one, check it out here and relive that exciting day.
CiCi's pizza is one of our family favorites. Can you really beat all you can eat pizza, pasta, and salad, and dessert, and cheap too. Kids 4 and under are free, for crying out loud. Lunch at CiCi's then back home for fun and goodies. Today we had his favorite foods for dinner... Mac N Cheese and Hot Dogs. I even let the hooligans have fruit punch with dinner.
I did manage to get pictures of yesterday and today's fun. I will get those up soon.
Happy Birthday little buddy! We love you bunches and have had so much fun with you for the last two years. We look forward to lots more fun, adventures, loves and hugs. You are one special little boy! You are my favorite 2 year old :)
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