The following photos may disturb some of you. I was quite disturbed, to say the least. After much screaming and yelling and putting everybody in time out, including myself, we started to get things under control. I scrubbed, Tyler scrubbed. The kids still looked like easter eggs for several days, and the carpet still has a pink hue to it in a couple places. This would qualify as one of those days when you wonder "why did I even get out of bed this morning?!?!"

The disaster in the living room that greeted me one morning
Fabulous art work on the couches
The remains of what was once a cabinet holding all my cake decorating stuff. Jerry managed to pull the entire cabinet down and break it. You can also see the coloring gel all over the carpet.
The contents of the cabinet

My carpet, before lots of scrubbing. And, please note the light blue spot on the bottom right. NO, that is not cake coloring, that is dawn dish detergent.

Jerry looking pitiful in time out

Thomas showing off his colorful self
You are a good mother, I am old & so I would have spanked them. Then I would have felt bad. Age makes taking care of children so hard - I can not decide to how to punish them so when I keep the grandkids I do not punish them. LOL
Hope your house survived.
You will be able to think of this when they are graduating from school and pat yourself of the back while saying, "I let them live!!!!" At least that is what I have told myself when I've delt with things like this.
I am glad that you took pictures because one day you will look back on that and it will make you laugh at what you went thru. It will also remind you of how tough it was when you were a mother when your kids call you about your grandchildren making messes...hahaha! I'm sorry...I feel for you so much, you are a great mother with three very busy little boys!
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