Does anybody else find it amusing that it is Thomas in the cast and not me?!?! Anyway... He had a blast, to put it mildly. His part was the child, Sorrow. Every day he would go to "opera practice" with "my friends." There was no stranger there. He made many new friends and I got to be part of the opera scene again. Everybody seemed to love him and enjoy him and his excitement. I am most appreciative of all the cast and crew and management. All of them were so patient with him and so kind. They played with him and encouraged him.
Once the show came around, he had no fear. I was so proud of him and all he did. He stayed focused on his part and the singers on stage, and never looked out to the audience. Many people told me what a fantastic job he did. Maryanne, the director, has performed as the lead and directed the show many times. She said that Thomas was the best child she has ever worked with. She wasn't just saying it to be nice either, she also told my mom.
I am so thrilled that Thomas had such an incredible opportunity. Many thanks to those who got him involved and those who coached him to do such a wonderful job. Also, I can not say enough wonderful things about the entire cast. We would jump at the opportunity to do this again. Who knows, maybe next time we can both be in the cast.
You can check out the story of Madama Butterfly here. There was also a review in the newspaper about the show, and they even mention Thomas. Take a look! (A little note on the review: Mr Skinner, an attorney at Lolly's office, pointed out that the purpose of Sorrow is not to be cute, but to be an emotional pull. He is cute, but his role brings out the tears in almost anyone.) Thomas also got to have his picture in the program with his own bio. I think we have an opera star on our hands. At least a drama junkie.
Thomas is absolutely darling.
I wish I could have seen the program.That smile is definitely a show stopper.
Aunt Jewel
Congrats to Thomas and Mom for encouraging. He looks so cute! Definately a memory.
What a wonderful opportunity Thomas had and his pictures are adorable! I can only imagine how cute he was in the performance! What a doll! I'm sure he was the hit of the show! How cool!!!!
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