Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Every Day's an Adventure

If I said my life is boring, I would be a big, fat, liar. OK, so the big and fat part stands, for now, but that is baby no-name's fault right now.

When asked how I'm doing or how is it being a stay-home mom, my response is usually something along the lines of "every day is an adventure." Some days are just more of an adventure than others.

Let's take a look at yesterday

The boys have dump trucks, if you read the blog you have seen and heard about them. Yesterday, as I was checking my email, I heard Jerry screaming. The boys had been playing with the trucks as usual, so I was paying not much attention to them at the time. Anyway, this was not the typical "I didn't get my way" or "I'm mad about something" scream. This was a "I am hurt" type of scream. Any parent can tell you there is a difference in the screams of their child. Poor Jerry is walking towards me with huge tears pouring down his face and a bloody mouth. As Jerry sadly sat in my lap, I noticed his legs were red too. Thomas later told me that Jerry was trying to climb into the truck to get pushed around. Lesson learned, don't do this on the hard wood entry, save this stunt for carpet. My best guess is that he slipped and scraped all down the front of his left leg and now has a lovely bruise to show for it. He also managed to scrape his right leg pretty good too. Back to poor Jerry. He was sitting beside me on the couch, but was trying to get down. He got down, went for a blanket, then climbed back up next to me and snuggled in the blanket. This child loves to snuggle blankets!

Later, as I was putting him in his chair for lunch, we had another incident. Pregnancy brain seems to be taking its toll on the kids. Next thing I know, Jerry is screaming once again. I look down to realize I have just smashed his tiny finger between the booster and the table.

We had several other incidents throughout the day, but I can't seem to remember them at the moment. Just a little while ago, however, he tried to go down the stairs on his head because he was carrying a toy down with him. Luckily I was going down in front of him and watching this time. Poor kid just can't catch a break.

So, in my life, every day is an adventure, some are just more exciting than others. Happy adventures to all you moms!

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