Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Chaos in the End

One week from today I will be heading to the hospital to deliver beast #3. No, he still doesn't have a name either. I know I was getting pretty good about posting, but then life got in the way again. Just to prove that point, this has been our schedule recently.

Last week I had rehearsals every night but one. Then I had a 4 hour dress rehearsal with the NC Symphony and turned around and did three full out concerts with them. I was doing a Disney show and had a blast, but man was I tired in the end. In the middle of all that, Jerry went to the doctor, I went to the doctor, Jerry went to the ENT and got surgery scheduled. He is having tubes tomorrow morning. All that is in addition to the usual teaching, shopping, keep the house going schedule. Oh yeah, and don't forget to clean the baby room, clean the guest room (aka get all the junk out), climb up to the attic to get all the baby stuff, sort through and throw away nasty puked on clothes you wonder why you kept, and wash everything. Did I mention Tyler is working insane overtime through the whole thing too? WHEW, It makes me tired all over again just to think what we have been doing the last week. The chaos keeps up until I go in the hospital, then I get a break. Of course, then the chaos starts all over with a new baby in the house. To quote one of my favorite movie lines, "It's our lot in life. It's not a lot, but it's our life." If I weren't pregnant or trying to come up with what movie that was from I could probably tell you, but for now, I have no idea.

Thanks for keeping up with us and all your help in me trying to keep my sanity. We will get pictures and stats up as soon as we can. Wish us luck!

1 comment:

Kristin said...

I don't know how you do it! I'm voting for no-name to be Ben, I like that name!