Yesterday was his second birthday. He is no longer a single digit. Unfortunately, he was too sick to really enjoy it. His nap was rudely ended by his throwing up all over his bed. Before too long, he was happily running around. Then it started again, and didn't stop. Anything we got him to drink came back up within 15 minutes. He did have a few minutes of fun with his new toys from Lolly. But then he started feeling bad and wanted to snuggle more. And, of course, up came the pedia. No cake or icecream around our house last night. At least he did fall asleep for a few hours in his bed. But after that, he wouldn't go back into his bed, so into the spare bed in Michael's room we went (there is a plastic cover on the mattress, just in case). We were able to get a little sleep, but I was on edge all night, just waiting for the next round.
The good news is, he is much better today, other than being tired. However, now Tyler has it. Please let the nastiness pass me by. Everyone else, I can deal with, but I don't think they can deal with it if I am the sick one.
Look at him getting tall and lean!! Why can my kids get what Thomas has being many miles away?!? So Ashlyn has an ear infection and Randon is about 8 hours behind her. We were up literally every 15-30 minutes last night with one or the other or both! I really hope we don't catch the flu now too!! Hope it passes you by---heaven forbid I get the flu...out comes the prego test!lol!
I'm sorry to hear he was sick. It's never fun being sick on your birthday.
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