I went in to let them downstairs for breakfast and discover a nightmare.
Chocolate footprints all over the floor. A pint of Chocolate Cookies and Cream ice cream partially eaten and partially melted next to the closet. Sticky door knob. Two very guilty hooligans.
It seems that Jerry snuck downstairs and got my ice cream and a spoon. He then took them upstairs and began to eat. And everyone knows that ice cream is better on your TOES. Yes, he stuck his TOES in the ice cream. Then he pranced his little self all around the room. Moms just love to find chocolate footprints all over the room. We live for it, don't you know?
Do you have a carpet cleaner? If not, you should invest. My little scrubber has revived many a carpet.
I just love cleaning carpets first thing in the morning.
Poor little Michael got the short end of the stick too. I couldn't let him out of his bed because I knew he would add more little footprints to the scene. So he sat in his bed yelling "Maaamaaaa" over and over.
Don't you just love my little carpet cleaner? The not-so-baby is quite the nice touch to the cleaning process as well. Just look at those legs. Once I turn the cleaner on he can't get away fast enough.
If you look really close, you can see the purple sharks still on the wall.
Not only did I have to clean up the mess, but I had to try and fix my little cleaner. Somehow something got stuck in the spray line. It came out, but only a little at a time. I was shooting cleaner all over the floor. There was no telling which direction the spray was going to go. Yeah, just a bit frustrated with that one.
I still have my two older children. My carpet survived another disaster. I have more ice cream in the freezer. I smell like carpet cleaner. My knees are still wet. My bum is soaked from sitting on the wet carpet. I didn't get breakfast. My children are forbidden from entering the kitchen for the rest of their lives. I have a headache.
Maybe I will banish my children to tents in the back yard. Then it won't matter if they prance around with chocolate ice cream on their toes. Oh, wait, they would run into the street chasing a bug or the ice cream truck. No bugs, Jerry is afraid of them, but definitely the ice cream truck. Shhhh, don't tell Child Protective Services about my tent city and chain gang children in the back yard.
Moral: Laughing children are just as dangerous as quiet children.
I wanted to use a brown font in honor of the chocolate ice cream, but it looked just a bit gross, so purple it is today.
Now, I will go and clean their stinky boy bathroom and do more laundry.
How do these things happen to you??! You have two options as I see it: chain the kids up or no more food in the house!! haha! The posts are just too funny though, so for my sake, do neither!
How do these things happen to me? What about all the mess that happens to you? Now they are screaming and crying and at each other's throats constantly. Ah, the sweet, joyful noises of children.
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