Sunday, October 11, 2009

Boys and Football

The hooligans and my fabulous husband are watching football together. Channel surfing ensued and this is where they ended up. I'm not sure the hooligans understand football, or any sports for that matter. I certainly have never figured out the game. Rugby was definitely more interesting and easier to figure out and certainly moved faster thanks to not clock stopping. So fun, you really ought to watch it some time. Really. Legs like you have never seen, no protective gear, incredible legs. Did I mention the unbelievable legs on those guys. My trainer played rugby. It fascinates me.

Back to American football.

Interesting comments...

"Those guys are the best!"

"I like the yellow guys. I mean the gold."

"I like football."

"What are they doing?"

I have to agree with the what are they doing comment.

And now they are all sitting in the toy bins, on the blue carpet. I feel a round of boats or pirates or something of the sort coming on. Just the kids, not the husband playing this game. I don't have a bin that would work for him. He also doesn't like to smash his knees up into his nose for the sake of an imaginary game.

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