Introducing, Our Herd

Yesterday was Cow
Appreciation Day at Chick-
fil-A. What does this mean, you ask. FREE FOOD!!! All you had to do was dress like a cow and you got a free meal. Just a little bit cow still got you an entree, so you can't lose. Thursday we made our costumes and the kids had a blast making cow faces on paper plates. We used the plates for breakfast and lunch, but at lunch we got these cool cow hats, so we used them at dinner. You read right, we ate out for all 3 meals yesterday, and only paid $0.32 for the entire thing. I know, it was a free meal, but someone, Jerry, decided he wanted fruit instead of fries at lunch, so we had to pay the
upcharge. We had lots of fun and entertained ourselves for many hours. Now we have spots ready for next year.

Isn't he the cutest cow you have ever seen?

The other two adorable hooligans, enjoying their third feast of the day.
you guys look wayyyy too cute!!!
if we only had a chick-fil-a here.....adorable!
too cute - mooooo for free food. Mark loves Chick fila - think he will dress next year??
who knew it was free chick a filet day? next time give me a buzz and i will dress like a cow also!! they are so very cute!
you guys rock!
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