Jerry makes me crazy several times a day. He destroys just about anything he touches, it seems. Give him a BB and it is toast. Nothing stands a chance in his little hands. He climbs on things you wouldn't even dream of, like stacking a stool on top of a chair to climb onto the counter top and then on to the top of the fridge. He has a temper that can be out of this world. He screams. He yells. He cries. He screams at the top of his lungs. He has mastered the tantrum, especially out in public. If he doesn't want to do it, forget it, there is no way you can make him. No bribe or threat can get in the way of what he wants to do. Just look at the family picture at the top of the blog. He didn't want to smile or look at the camera. He hits for no reason, usually his little brother. Today, all I had to do was go get something out of the garage, a mere 6 feet away, and came back to find Michael hollering with a big red mark on his arm. Last week, Jerry poked Michael with a safety pin, multiple times, while the all the boys were happily playing in their room. He throws things, and at people or things. If you need to go to the bathroom, be prepared for what you will find when you come back. Yesterday, he chewed up chocolate animal crackers, sucked up the mush into a medicine syringe, then shot it on the walls and ceiling. The child does not listen, worse than any other child I think I have ever seen. He will just look at you, smile, laugh, and go right on doing whatever it was, like running into the middle of the street or dumping water all over the bathroom floor. Jerry can push my buttons in a heartbeat. I want to run from the house screaming. I want to give him away. I want to leave him at the fire department. Jerry makes me absolutely nuts!
Jerry is as sweet and loving as can be. He helps, happily. Setting the table is one of his favorite chores. Not too long ago I came downstairs and Tyler was hiding around the corner. Tyler motioned for me to come closer, but be quiet, then pointed into the kitchen. There was Jerry, pulling out the trash can and taking out the trash bag, all by himself, without either of us asking him to. He also loves to take out the recycling, that is his job and he knows he does it well. He is a huge help with his little brother. He loves both of his brothers dearly. Each day, when we drop Thomas off at school, Jerry waves and tells him goodbye, even though Thomas is too far away to hear. He has even had inconsolable meltdowns because he doesn't get to go with Thomas. They all play together for hours on end. The dump trucks are such a fun toy, and now Jerry likes to push Michael around in them, just like his big brother used to do for him. Jerry and Michael are best play buddies, and Jerry enjoys teaching Michael all of his tricks, just as a big brother should. He loves to dance and play. If you haven't seen him dance, you are missing out big time. He is a smart little boy and is very curious. He just wants to know how things work and what will happen if he does something. What will happen if I crumble syrofoam... it looks like snow all over the dining room. He is a problem solver. He is stubborn, and won't give up until he has accomplished his goal. Jerry is so funny. He is the most animated person I know. I say he is a miniature Jim Carey, think "The Mask" and you have it. There is the personality of about eight people crammed inside his little three year old body. He tells the funniest stories, and acts them out as he tells them. Oh, the stories he tells. He could be his own stage production. The puppet shows he and Thomas put on are a sight to behold. He loves to snuggle. I love nap time every day. Naps are great for the break I get, but I love the falling asleep part. Every day, after lunch, Jerry goes up to his room and waits while I put Michael in his bed. Then, it is Mommy and Jerry time. We lay down in his bed and snuggle. We just spend quiet time together, just Jerry and Mommy.
Right now, he is in bed asleep. In the middle of tantrums and screaming, I decided he needed a nap. We went upstairs and snuggled and he was asleep in a few short minutes. He has the most peaceful look on his face. His long, dark lashes are resting on his cheekbones. Under his arm are his ragged teddy bear, who has red drink from some escapade that I have yet to clean off his fur, and his snuggle blanket. His blanket is covering him up and he looks so nice and snuggly and peaceful. Once he fell asleep, I just lay there beside him, looking at him.
How can he be so sweet and loving, and make me crazy at the same time? As much as he makes me nuts, I love him even more. He tries my patience to no end, and yet I just want to hug him and keep him little.
Jerry, I love you to pieces, even when you make me want to pull my hair out and run away screaming. You are a joy in my life and I would have a gaping hole without you. When you turn around and flash that smile, or run up and hug me for no apparent reason, you melt my heart.
oh i love him already! Rachel your boys are beeeeautiful! I mean really really darling. like the kind you could make a little cash out of... hah ha ha sell those pretty faces! ... really.
What a sweet, sweet post!
they are wonderful and i am so glad thru lori beth we got to meet you and them ---they are beautiful treasures to behold. and you are very blessed to be able to raise such boys---you and your hubby have unopened treasures boxes, and when they do start to open you will be amazed with what comes out!!
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