Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I Protest!

Have I ever mentioned that Jerry has a temper? If not, now you know, Jerry has a temper. Not only that, but he is stubborn beyond belief. Tyler and I have started questioning if he is more stubborn than either of us, if that were possible.

Last night, I put him in bed. He put his little head on his pillow, snuggled his snuggle blanket and Teddy Bear, and he had his pacifier in his mouth. By the time I put Michael to bed, about 30 minutes later, Jerry had been throwing a fit for some time. Thomas kept telling him to be quiet and go to sleep so he could. I had had enough of this fit, so I went in to put him back down. Well, what to my wondering eyes should appear....

Jerry, standing in his empty bed. He had thrown out his pillow, blanket, snuggle blanket, Teddy Bear, and pacifier. They were all over the room. At this point, he is pegged for hockey (big and tough) or baseball (good arm). Not only had he launched his bedding around the room, he also had tossed his pants out. I reached down to help him put them back on when I realized that he had also sent his diaper to the nether regions of the room. After replacing his diaper, jammas, and bedding, he finally went down for good.

I can't WAIT for the teenage years. :/


Unknown said...

Isn't it funny how they each come with thier own personality. I don't remember ordering any of mine with one but they came with them anyway.

myglorydays said...

Be careful what you wish for.
Yours nor my teenage years would be better than now. Teenagers are stubborn & able to drive & talk back. LOL During the teenage years, I wished for the toddler years many times.
Aunt Jewel

myglorydays said...

Be careful what you wish for. I often wished for the toddler years during the teenage years of your cousins. I am sure my Mom & your Mom wished for control of stubborn driving & non talking teenagers.
Aunt Jewel

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with Jewel on this one...when you get to the teenage years you will long for the days when they were toddlers and under your feet...you definitely have more control now...although I do hear that boys are better teenagers than girls...Michael hasn't gotten there yet so I don't have any comparison...hang in there, one day you will look back on these days and laugh! Love, Aunt Jean

Art and Evelyn said...

I tagged ya sista... have fun!

The Big Sister said...

Hello my friend!!! You are SOOO CUTE! I forgot you even had a blog cause I lost all my old links- Anyway I MISS YOU!!!

Kasey Q said...

Someone once told me that if you want to know what a child is going to be like as a teenager, look at them when they are toddlers. If they are quiet, relaxed, and cheerful... congratulations. Unfortunately for you, it sounds to me like you might be getting holes punched or kicked in your walls.