Monday, April 30, 2007

Adventures in MommyLand

Can I just tell you how nice it is to wake up to the sound of two cute little boys laughing away in the other room. Friday morning the boys were doing just that. I lay in bed enjoying the wonderful sound of my happy boys. Then I started hearing "Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry," followed by laughter. This happened several times. Finally I dragged myself out to go investigate the cause of the "sorry"s and laughter. Upon entering the room, I found both boys in Jerry's crib, not an unusual sight around here. But the exciting part, explaining the "sorry"s, was the black marker all over Jerry. Yes, my dear, sweet Thomas had climbed his way into the crib with a black marker. Upon arrival in the crib, he decided that Jerry makes a wonderful art canvas, head, hair, arms, legs and all. What can you do but laugh, and take a picture? Later Thomas told me he had also written on the crib. Sure enough, in nice little black letters was his version of his name across the end of the crib. All was easily cleaned, and many laughs were enjoyed by all, and Thomas got a little talk about we color paper, not Jerry or the crib. Oh yes, and all markers went in the garbage, buy the hand of Thomas, no less.

As I shared the story with mom, she pointed out that such adventures are just a part of Thomas's genes. Bradford had a fascination with black (just ask mom about that one, but all I have to say is I'll take the markered baby over B any day), and I had a thing with writing my name on everything in sight.

Moral: When you hear laughing and "sorry, sorry, sorry" close together, just enjoy the laughter and be grateful it isn't silence. After all, isn't the worst trouble when you don't hear them at all?

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