Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Mudcats Game

The beach post is up, you just have to scroll down. If you want more pictures, I can email, and I will continue to try and post the pictures.

Tonight was the Mudcats game and we all had a blast! We had lots of friends show up, along with Lolly and Amanda. Thomas loved the french fries and Lolly's drink. Gabe, Thomas's friend, got a ball and Muddy even sighned it. Rachel's appearances are over for the season, but there is always next year to do it again. It may be small ball, but it's the best there is. Come to a game with us, its a blast!!


Stacey said...

This has nothing to do with your post, but how did you come up with the name Lolly?

All of Us said...

Mom's sister couldn't say Malinda, so she called mom Lolly. It drove mom nuts, so my aunt taught her kids to call my mom Lolly. By then, the name didn't bother her. When she found out she was going to be a (dare I say it) grandmother, she refused to be called any variation of grandma. She insisted she is too young to be a grandmother, especially since people at her office that are her age were having kids at the same time I was. Long funny story short, someone, probably Amanda, suggested Lolly and it stuck. And now you have (dramatic pause) the rest of the story