Jerry had a birthday, shout HOORAY!!
OK, so he had a birthday over 3 months ago and I am just now getting around to it. At least he won't be able to say his mother didn't love him and neglected his birthday.
He wanted a
Spiderman birthday with red cupcakes. Nice! Easy! Sounds good to me. We did red velvet cupcakes with whipped vanilla frosting. Super easy and super yummy. I want one now, just thinking about it. Then we put
Spiderman decorations on top that Tyler was sent on a mission to find while out running errands. Cakes are fun to decorate, but easy is nice too. Aunt Amanda came home for the grand occasion and Sunday dinner was a regular party.
I love the action shot with his cheeks all puffed out! The pictures are still making my hungry for one of those cupcakes.

Michael has one of those looks that I can't decide if he is trying to say "Who, me?" or "I want more, pretty please." He definitely enjoyed it. And the floor even got some cake. The single sock cracks me up every time.

Ah, the loot. Aunt
Amanda found a Lightning McQueen flashlight and cell phone for Jerry. The flashlight had (note the past tense here) little caps to put on the end and it put pictures on where you were pointing. He kept taking it apart and eventually lost pieces. Several pieces we later found in the wall, along with some caps. I had McQueen on the roof of the van or the walls for a week after he got them. The phone has been washed several times and still works. He likes to put it in his pocket, but forgets to take it out. Oh well.

And now for the big box. He had to work hard to get this one open. It was a motorcycle from mom and dad. Now he can be just like daddy. Too bad we didn't realize it was a little involved to put together. He ended up waiting a few days for it to be completed.

And on the bike. Yes, my child wears heels to ride the bike. Good news, that isn't the usual attire. It is not uncommon to see him in pants, jacket,
Thomas's bike helmet (McQueen, of course), and cowboy boots. He wears all his safety gear, just like daddy. He wants so much to be like daddy, Tyler shared one of his motorcycle decal stickers with Jerry and put it on the bike. Talk about exciting!
Jerry rides his bike everywhere, no kidding! "Jerry, go put this in the recycling," and he rides out into the garage to put it away. He answers the door, comes to dinner, cleans his room, everything on the bike. I think this one was a hit. Even more fun now is Michael loves to ride it. He gets on and makes the "
vroom vroom" in his throat. I do believe we have several biker boys in the making. Thank goodness they are learning at an early age to be safe about it, mostly.

Happy Birthday Jerry! We love you bunches and have so much fun watching you grow! Next year I will try to post closer to your birthday. Try being the key word on that one.
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