Monday, June 25, 2007

Go Go Gadget Baby

Yes, I know, this is not the beach, but it also didn't involve loading pictures.

For those of you who have not had the experience of having Jerry reach something you thought there was NO WAY on earth he could possibly reach, this story is for you.

I am sitting my little, ok, not so little right now, self at the table eating some leftovers. I hear a noise behind me. Next thing I know, Jerry goes running past me with the bread knife in his hand, happily waving it around for all to see. My legs may be twice the length of his right now, but that kid can move when he wants to. Off I go, chasing a little not yet 17 month old through the kitchen, into the living room where he hits one couch with the knife on his way around, and across to the other side of the room where I am finally able to corner him. Then, what does he do? He turns on me with the knife! Little stinker. I got the knife from him and promptly put it in the sink. Last I checked he could only reach up, not up, over, and down again. You may now commence falling on the floor laughing at the situation and the mental picture of what just happened. Oh well, short moment of excitement, but absoultely not one I had in mind for tonight, much less ever.

No, I did not leave the knife where he could reach it, just in case you thought I might have a moment of pregnancy brain so bad that I would do that. Somehow, he reached his cute little arm up to the middle of the counter where I had earlier been cutting a loaf of bread I made yesterday. This is not the first time he has reached something unreachable. For more stories on Gadget Boy, feel free to ask. And remember, NOTHING is safe from him, even the top of the fridge!

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