Sunday, February 18, 2007

The Plague

Our house was infected by the plague this week. Tyler picked it up at work, and brought it home to share with us. I am glad he learned to share, now I think we need to work on what is appropriate to share.

Tuesday night he came home from work absolutely miserable. I had rehearsal, so I left him with the boys for a couple hours. When I got home, he was wrapped up in 2 blankets on the couch, shivering, saying he was cold, face burning up, ears red, and couldn't stand up to help Thomas over the gate. Next day, he couldn't even manage to get dressed for work, so I called into work for him. Turns out most of his work crew was out as well.

Let the fun begin. Jerry threw up at breakfast, we went to walk-in clinic at the doctor. Thomas needed to go potty. I lugged the poor unmoving baby (Jerry does NOT sit still) to go help Thomas. Party time, Thomas has started with diarrhea. No extra underwear, the office staff finding bags to put the dirty underwear in, and trying to do all of this while holding another sick baby, don't you wish you were me. (Dare, I must say your rotovirus story is horrible too) After a desperate call to me mommy for HELP and pullups, she came to the rescue. Almost an hour and half later, we got to see the doctor. Poor baby Jerry had a temp of 103!!! Good news, the ear infections weren't getting worse. Flu test should take 10 min, his came back in less than 5. Why treat one, when you can treat more. The wonderful doctor drugged up both boys, since Thomas was already showing symptoms.

Now, we are keeping track of meds on the white board because there are too many between 3 people to keep up with in my head. Tyler worked just a few hours Thurs and Fri then had to come home. All are much better now, and I have yet to catch the plague. How on earth people keep up with meds for more kids, I don't know, but I am grateful we are all better.

Quarantine has been lifted, all are on the mend. Now we will start working on those sharing lessons.

1 comment:

Dare said...

YIKES! We had that bug too, just about a week sooner than you guys did. First Owen, then Elijah then Ryan... X my fingers I havent gotten it yet. Which HOW is that?!?!?! I cleaned up vomit for an entire week? I guess God has a funny way of taking care of the mommies. Although next time I think I'd rather puke then to have to clean it up! Glad you are all on the mend!!